For their feast days and to conclude novenas, Altar Stones Oratory posts brief lives of the saints, excerpts from their writings and prayers, and the collect of the day according to the missal of 1962.  These pages are arranged here alphabetically and according to the calendar of feast days.


Alphabetical listing

St. Anne

St. Bonaventure

St. Clare of Assisi

St. Camillis de Lellis

St. Dominic

St. Giles

St. Ignatius Loyola

St. James, the Apostle

St. John Vianney

St. Laurence, Martyr

St. Mary Magdalene

St. Stephen, King of Hungary

St. Vincent de Paul

Calendar of Feast Days (traditional)


14                   St. Bonaventure

18                    St. Camillis de Lellis

19                    St. Vincent de Paul

22                    St. Mary Magdalene

25                    St. James, the Apostle

26                    St. Anne

29                   St. Martha                 

31                   St. Ignatius Loyola


1                     The Holy Maccabees

2                     St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

4                     St. Dominic 

9                     St. John Vianney

10                   St. Laurence, Martyr

12                   St. Clare of Assisi


1                     St. Giles

2                     St. Stephen, King of Hungary